About Us

Silver Star Metals started by the Martins in 2012 with the vision of starting a small repair shop for agriculture equipment. After borrowing $1,200 and going to a farm auction, a bolt bin with some bolts, a small band saw, a drill press, and a chop saw was purchased. The landlord of the Martin's dairy farm had an empty shop next door that was open for rent and Silver Star Metals was started in that shop. The name "Silver Star Metals" came from their dairy farm Silver Star Holsteins. In 2014 after two dry years and not enough feed for the dairy cattle, the Martins ended their dairying career to do the metal shop full time.

The first year Silver Star Metals took over the repairs of ag baggers from another local shop, did small ag repair jobs and did custom welding for another local skid steer attachment manufacturer.

The next year the Martins had the need to shred round bale bedding for their bedding pack barn and could not find something that worked like they wanted it to, so the Martins designed the signature product the Silver Star Bale Bedder. After some research and development, they had something that did what they set out to accomplish. That was the start of Silver Star Metal's skid steer attachments. Silver Star keeps adding attachments as the need for another attachment proves itself to be needed in the market.

Every year Silver Star Metals added machines and employees as needed to keep up with the work flow. In 2013 they finished out the other half of the shop for more room, and added more employees. In 2014 they added their own CNC plasma table to bring some of the production in house. In 2017 more room was needed, so they  started looking at different alternatives and in the fall of 2018 they built a new shop on their property a mile from where they rented with some of the advantages being on a black top road, and 3-phase power to run the machinery.

In 2019 Silver Star Metals added CNC machining to their line of services and also for their own manufacturing processes as they had the need for in house abilities in that area and more precision and control.

Now, in 2021 Silver Star has added plate laser cutting technology in-house to provide customers with high precision cutting and fabricating and add a new dimension to the skid steer manufacturing process.

"As a company we try our level best to produce high quality skid steer attachments that will serve you well for many years. We manufacture everything we can in house in order to provide the best quality standards for you our customers."